Friday, August 5, 2011

Working out......

So I am trying to be a better person. That is my goal. Right now I am working out like crazy trying to get in shape. I now go running/walking on mon-fri with two friends from my ward. We are doing a program called C25K. Which means couch to 5k. So you should be able to go from a couch potato to being able to run a 5k in 9 weeks. It is kicking my butt but I actually really like it. When I get home I do a work out video for at least 20-30 min. and than try to go for a walk with Bethany in the stroller once she is up. 
I have to admit I am really tired but I think it will be worth it. Not allot of pounds have been lost yet but its still early. I have lost about 5lbs. and its been 2 weeks, I feel like it is really slow. However slow and steady wins the race. 

Outside being cute

Bethany loves to play outside. Unlike me she loves the wind. I love the pictures. We were playing outside just before her Grandma and Grandpa Stenquist came and she was being adorable. Luckily when Grandma came he brought his camera because I think these pictures are very cute.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bethany's 1 year Birthday party

Bethany's Birthday is July 9th however we had the party on the 16th because we had another family thing with Jayson's family on the 9th. I had so much fun planning and putting this party together.
We gave her a cupcake on the 10th just before church because Mommy felt like she should at least get some cake near her birthday so we took a lot of pictures. It was a good thing we did take lots of pictures too because mommy had no idea cake mixes had milk in them so Bethany got sick. So these were the only cake eating pictures we got.
Cake table- I had so much fun putting this together. I loved the napkins.

Jayson cut the cake. I made a really large sheet cake and he cut the gator shape out of it. Mishala, Jayson and I frosted it as fast as we could. But in the end I think it is the coolest alligator cake I have ever seen. Jayson did an amazing job. 
This is the backdrop I did for the kids to have their pictures taken in the jungle. It was so easy to make, I went to Utah Idaho supply and they had the big rolls of paper that you can buy paper by the foot. and for the animals I found a giant coloring book at the dollar store. Had the pictures colored and pasted them to poster board than cut them out. And for the palm tree leaves we used pipe cleaner to make them stand out more.Thanks Mom and Mishala for helping.

For one of the activities I got toilet paper rolls and taped them together than had a string attached and paper cut to the right size and had the kids decorate them for binoculars. The kids Loved them and they really didn't cost anything
All the kids but Judah.
I made this banner for Bethany. I love how it turned out.

I had the grandparents go out and hide peanuts in the yard so the kids could go on a hunt for the elephant. Bethany loved this. She didn't gather very many but I love the pictures from this part of the party. They are some of my favorite. Audrey ended up finding the most. She found 50 peanuts and won the elephant key chain.

Catching up.... Meeting cousin Lincoln

We took a trip down to Arizona for Lincolns blessing. It was so fun to meet cute little Lincoln. He is a very handsome and well behaved little guy.
Daddy's and Their Baby's.

Mommy's and their Baby's

We went swimming while we were there. Grammy gave Bethany berries for a snack and Bethany couldn't get enough of them.

Just before we left Bethany took her first steps we were so excited, though she still walks like a Zombie. 

Catching up ..... First time at the Zoo.... Bethany got to see a real alligator.

We got a year pass to the zoo so Bethany and I would have something fun to do this summer. It has totally been worth every penny. We went with our friends Matt and Mishala Pilling and their family the first time and Aunt Jessica came too. And we had way too much fun.
Mom's favorite is the Big Cats.

Daddy's favorite is the Gorillas. (This is seriously one of my favorite pictures EVER.

Aunt Jessica, Me, Elise, and Jacob. Aunt Jess helped measure Bethany against the gorillas. Bethany is  almost as big as a baby gorilla.

Bethany's first train ride.

This is our first real family photo. My family brings me so much joy.

Catching up....This is the place Herritage park -- Baby animal days.

 Jayson saw that they were doing baby animals at this is the place park. So we decided to go. Bethany was really curious about the bigger animals but it took a lot of convincing to get her to touch the bunny rabbits. Which made me laugh most kids like the bunnies and are afraid of the bigger. I love how Bethany always keeps me guessing.

I love this picture. Because Bethany was looking at it like "what the heck is that dad." It was awesome.

Bethany was getting braver and more willing to touch the animals as the day went on. She really liked the Lamb as long as Daddy didn't put her down.

First Pony Ride. This is a big thing for Jayson's family as they have all done Horse back riding for a very long time. Daddy was so proud. But Bethany only lasted about 10 sec. long enough for us to get a good picture. 

Catching up.... Easter

Grandma Carolyn and Bethany with their Easter ears.

Daddy and Bethany dying eggs with the Robbins Family. Everyone's eggs turned out really good. It was fun having all the nieces and nephews over.
We did an Easter Egg hunt with the Robbins Family too. It didn't take long for Bethany to get the idea of what she was suppose to do. She loved finding the eggs and putting them in her basket. 

Grandpa Robbins reading an Easter story to all the Grandkids. The kids loved it. I think this will be a fun tradition to keep going. 

Bethany Easter Morning. We decided she had enough candy from all the Easter Egg hunts she did so we talked to the Easter bunny and had empty eggs hidden at out house for her to find. She had a lot of fun finding the eggs. Her daddy helped her. (can you see her first teeth in this picture. she just got them) :)

Bethany's first Chocolate Easter bunny. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Robbins. :) I love it.